Environmental decommissioning

In early 2008, SMC Consulting, Inc. was chosen by an NYSE Listed Construction Materials firm to complete the environmental decommissioning of their Houston area facility.  The facility had operated in the same location for some 50 years and contained numerous disposal areas, maintenance facilities, processing areas, petroleum product storage and fueling stations, and other related heavy industrial areas of concern.

SMC worked with the owner to develop the most cost-efficient identification, testing and clean up protocols.  The areas of concern were addressed using a variety of methodologies, including excavation and removal, treatment in place, and recycling of nonhazardous items. 

The site was evaluated after the completion of the remediation activities by both SMC and the new owner’s environmental experts.  All follow-up testing and analytical protocol indicated that clean up was successful in the removal of constituents of concern.  This valuable real estate is now scheduled to be converted to a new nonindustrial use.

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